Build Your Audience with Targeted Campaign Data

Fundraising | Awareness | Go to Vote | Register to Vote

donkey democrat




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Targeted Audience Right Channels Better Results

The Democratic political audience includes registered Democrat voters and Liberal campaign donors. This focused political audience supports and donates towards issues like pro-choice rights, environmental efforts, relaxed immigration laws, and minimum-wage requirements.

As we saw in 2020, election seasons tend to polarize voter behavior, so it is important for Democratic candidates and campaigns to rally their core voter base with fund-raising, Register-to-Vote, and Go-to-Vote campaign efforts.

Contact Channels & Demographic Targeting

Target your voter audience with a toolbox of 15+ demographic filters, including – Age, Gender, Marital Status, Ethnicity, Household Income, and more!

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Democrat Voter
Mailing Addresses

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Voter Cells

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Voter Emails

Then select your contact channels. You can get a simple mailing list or include cell & landline numbers plus email address!

With the right voter list, you can communicate with specific voter groups based on demographic and level of interest in the issues of your political campaign, and be confident that your message will receive positive response from your target audience.


Because Democratic campaigns often focus on Progressive issues, we offer successful audience-building and targeting strategies for voters with Progressive positions.

Young Voters

Young voters between 18-25 years or millennial, interested in policies which uniquely affect their age group.


U.S. Voters who are favorable toward immigration and the rights of those seeking citizenship or asylum in the United States.


Proponents of activism, reasearch, and/or legislation addressing climate change, conservation, clean energy, etc.


Highly polarized groups such as pro-choice advocates can be a solid audience when appealing to Democrats.

Maximize your fundraising and voter-turnout by targeting supporters of specific agendas and causes!