Quick Start Guide:

Phone Scrub Service

What the Service Does:

Datazapp labels each phone with the phone type and Do Not Contact status. It also flags risky phone numbers and numbers associated with known litigators.

Step #1 - File

You'll need a spreadsheet or txt file.

This can be a .csv, Excel file, or text (.xlsx or .xls or .txt)

Step #2 - Format

Ensure your list has at least 1 column containing phone numbers.

Phone numbers can be in any of the formats below:

Please limit 1 phone number per cell in your phone columns. Multiple phones per cell won’t be accepted.

** This is an example, your list does not need to be in this exact format
Spreadsheet Example
Column 1Primary PhoneAlt PhoneColumn 4
1. . .21355512348085557890. . .
2. . .31255556787075553456. . .
3. . .4155559012. . .
4. . .51655534565055555678. . .
5. . .4045551234. . .
6. . .71855512343035557890. . .
7. . .81855556782025553456. . .
8. . .90955590122135551234. . .
9. . .20255534563125555678. . .
10. . .3035557890. . .
11. . .40455512345165553456. . .
12. . .6175557890. . .
13. . .6065559012. . .
14. . .70755534568185555678. . .
15. . .80855578909095559012. . .

Step #3 - Upload

Upload your file through the "Phone Scrub" module in your Datazapp account.

If you’re currently logged in, you can follow this link . Click here to login.

Step #4 - Map

Match-up ("map") your phone columns to the "Phone" values using the dropdown menu's below.

Give it a try!
Set the dropdown values below to the corresponding data columns:

Dropdowns in Table Cells
Spreadsheet Example
Column 1Primary PhoneAlt PhoneColumn 4
1. . .21355512348085557890. . .
2. . .31255556787075553456. . .
3. . .4155559012. . .
4. . .51655534565055555678. . .
5. . .4045551234. . .
6. . .71855512343035557890. . .
7. . .81855556782025553456. . .

Step #5 - Download

Most files only take a few minutes to process.

Login  and visit the My Activity page to view check the order status & cost.

If your balance does not cover the order cost, visit the Buy Credits page.
You'll get a match report
of what we found.
Along with a quote,
which is no-obligation.

What you'll get back

Your file export will have a set of 2 new columns for each column of phone numbers you uploaded.

The first new column will indicate the phone type, the second will indicate the Do Not Contact status.

Spreadsheet Example
Column 1PhonePrimary Phone_TypePrimary Phone_DNCAlt PhoneAlt Phone_TypeAlt Phone_DNCColumn 4
1. . .2135551234W- (Wireless)Y - (Yes, DNC)8085557890L - (Landline)N - (Not DNC). . .
2. . .3125555678WN7075553456WY. . .
3. . .4155559012LYIN. . .
4. . .5165553456WN5055555678WN. . .
5. . .IN4045551234LY. . .
6. . .7185551234LY3035557890LN. . .
7. . .8185555678X - (Risky)Y2025553456XY. . .
8. . .9095559012WN2135551234WN. . .
9. . .2025553456VN3125555678WY. . .
10. . .3035557890WNIN. . .
11. . .4045551234LY5165553456VN. . .
12. . .IN6175557890WY. . .
13. . .6065559012WN7185551234LY. . .
14. . .7075553456LY8185555678LY. . .
15. . .8085557890WY9095559012WN. . .

Interpreting the Results:

In the “Phone type” columns:

In the “DNC” columns:

Discount Options:

You'll get discounted data rates by pre-payment or by order size.

Deposits of $1,000 or more lock-in lower rates

Spreadsheet Example
Pricing PlanPer Input PhoneAPI Access
Pay as you Go$0.005No
$1,000 Pre-Pay$0.0035Yes
$2,000 Pre-Pay$0.002Yes

Large orders also qualify for volume discounts

Input PhonesPer Input PhoneEstimated Cost
200,000 or less$0.005$1,000 or less
300,000 +$0.0035$1,000 +
1 Million +$0.002$2,000 +
7 Million +$0.0015$10,000 +
20 Million +$0.001$20,000 +
Visit the Buy Credits page to pre-pay your account balance.
Contact [email protected] for questions.